Ace down the T

Ace down the T

Claremont Lawn Tennis Club, Perth, Australia

Its an honor to be the Club Coach at Claremont Lawn Tennis.

We have 12 grass courts, 4 hard courts and 2 Tiger Turf. You can come here and make us a visit. You will be welcomed!

Would you like to have a lesson and maybe have your shots recorded with a high speed video camera?

just give me a call on : 0478 524 382

or send me an email:

Monday, December 26, 2011

I´ll be back in Feb

I´m on vacation in Portugal. I´ll be back in February.


  1. Grande André!! Folgo em saber que está tudo ok contigo e que continuas a espalhar o ténis mundo fora. Costumava treinar contigo juntamente com o Nuno Santos Costa e o Edmundo.


    Miguel Cunha

  2. Grande Miguel!! boa ja la vao uns anitos. Espero q esteja tudo a correr bem contigo. Vim agora de Portugal e infelizmente nao tive tempo de ver toda a gente q queria...

    Um grande abraco, Andre

