Ace down the T

Ace down the T

Claremont Lawn Tennis Club, Perth, Australia

Its an honor to be the Club Coach at Claremont Lawn Tennis.

We have 12 grass courts, 4 hard courts and 2 Tiger Turf. You can come here and make us a visit. You will be welcomed!

Would you like to have a lesson and maybe have your shots recorded with a high speed video camera?

just give me a call on : 0478 524 382

or send me an email:

Monday, September 12, 2011

Improving my Forehand 09/09/11



    this is the movement I didn't think you made that often but in the 2nd vid you are making that exact movement

    you you notice your head isn't looking at the ball when you hit the shot? perhaps you have over rotated not sure what else

    really like the extension

  2. Great Richard! you are absolutely right!! I was aware before that on all of my forehands I don't look at the ball at the contact point.

    The confusion was that while surfing the net once I saw a picture of Agassi doing the same that I normally do with my head. So I didn't investigate it further...

    ...until now! All of my videos that I quickly have just seen confirm that all the pros have their eyes on the contact point, even Agassi!!
    I need to double check that picture again, probably it was just a fluke.

    I've been actually practicing to keep my eyes on contact every now and again but I didn't groove it because I fail to understand its importance!!.
    Thanks Richard, great insight!! Can't wait to go on court to rock it

  3. I think another thing is in the rotation but I cant really describe it

