Ace down the T

Ace down the T

Claremont Lawn Tennis Club, Perth, Australia

Its an honor to be the Club Coach at Claremont Lawn Tennis.

We have 12 grass courts, 4 hard courts and 2 Tiger Turf. You can come here and make us a visit. You will be welcomed!

Would you like to have a lesson and maybe have your shots recorded with a high speed video camera?

just give me a call on : 0478 524 382

or send me an email:

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ian's forehand : The Floreat Rafa

Check Ian's forehand from the side view. Although is a bit too far and the video is a bit dark it was by far the best footage that I recorded of Ian's forehand.

It is a forehand that is very similar with Nadal on some aspects.

The major flaw on Ian's forehand is the excessive independent movement of the right hand and forearm in relation to the right elbow and shoulder that happens between the unit turn and power position (from seconds 0,11 and 0,22).

As you can see on this picture Nadal has the elbow back and there was no independent movement of the forearm and left hand. Nadal pretty much keeps the structure of the arm very compact and just rotates more his shoulders until he achieves the power position:

Brenton is another player that hits his forehand with a stretched arm technique. Watch how Brenton keeps his left elbow back and there is no independent movement of the forearm and left hand. Watch the distance from the left elbow to Brenton's torso at the 13th second.


1 comment:

  1. ian can honestly practice that movement without a racket no arm just shoulder

